Raising the level of filtering in our kehillos
Helping you to install and use the NetFree internet filter
Mishmeres is a non-profit organisation that is run on דעת תורה, and aims to encourage and support the safest level of internet security in our kehillos. Following Rabbinic guidelines, we recommend and support the NetFree filter
If you want to improve the safety of your internet connection, please contact us for a no-obligation consultation. Our services are free
We offer various levels of filtering, tailored to your specific requirements
If you only require access to Gmail, or you need access to a much wider range of sites, we can accommodate your needs. We can allow certain sites to be available at certain times of the day, and are always here to help
We are the foremost organisation in the UK supporting NetFree. We have years of experience at installing, maintaining and customising the filter
NetFree is the filter recommended by גדולי הדור
Raise the level of your internet security and switch to NetFree
Some of the benefits of using the Rabbincally approved filter
In order to prevent any inappropriate web sites being opened, NetFree manually check each site before approving it
NetFree does not use automated image checking, so you are guaranteed that inappropriate images will not be shown
NetFree offers some unique tools to support you, enabling you to do what you need quickly, without the hassle of manual support
NetFree is being used by an ever-increasing number of people
Between NetFree's support portal, backed up by our own team of technicians, you will always have the support you need
NetFree offer many comprehensive tutorials and help articles. We are building on this to provide an even wider range of material tailored to the UK kehillos
Contact form coming soon. The button below doesn't do anything yet!